Leftover Quinoa Salad Recipe
Gluten free
Dairy free
Total time 10 min
Serves 1
Crazy as it is, this meal was made from rummaging through the fridge! I had a bit of quinoa left from dinner the night before. I added some spinach, kale and the half pepper I had left over from lunch earlier in the week. I sliced up an apple for some sweetness and threw in some almonds and lupini beans because I like a bit of crunch in my meals. I topped it with some avocado oil and there it was. A delicious and nutritious lunch thanks to leftovers!
1 cup of quinoa cooked and cooled
1 handful of fresh spinach torn into bite sized
1 handful of fresh kale torn into bite sized
1 apple sliced
¼ cup almonds
¼ cup of Lupini beans
Avocado oil to your liking
Simply throw all of these into your lunch container and you are ready to go! This is a quick and easy lunch with powerful nutritional benefits that will leave you feeling satisfied and full of energy!
You could try this with barley or lentils, really any healthy grain that you enjoy.
Experiment with different vegetables, try what you have in your fridge.
Chick-peas offer a great source of protein if you don’t enjoy lupini beans.
Try different nuts and even add some pumpkin or sunflower seeds!
If you enjoy dressing on this type of meal just aim for an organic choice that doesn’t have preservatives and additives.
I hope you enjoy this lunch and have fun experimenting with different variations!