Let’s Talk Lemons: Incorporating This Powerful Fruit Into Your Diet

Lemons: an easy, accessible, and affordable nutrient packed fruit. Did you know they’re actually categorized as a hybrid fruit, of citron and lemon? They grow on small evergreen trees and are in fact one of the healthiest fruits you can eat! For today’s discussion, let's look at the many health benefits of lemons and how you can easily incorporate this nutritional power food into your diet.

So why are lemons so nutritious? Well, they contain everything you need when focusing on nutrient dense foods. They have fiber, specifically pectin, which lowers cholesterol, regulates your blood sugar, promotes healthy weight, and aids in digestion. They also have natural sugars including glucose, fructose, and sucrose, which our body needs. These natural sugars are broken down, digested, and then transported to aid our body in many different ways. That leads us to carbs, which we need for energy and to support our daily functions and physical activity. Furthermore, lemons contain small amounts of protein, which our bodies use to repair muscles and tissue. Lastly, the added benefit of hydration! Lemons offer water in vast amounts, so adding them into your diet can help you stay hydrated.

Next, let's review the list of vitamins they offer:

  • Vitamin A: We need this for vision, growth and reproduction. 

  • B6: Our bodies cannot produce B6, so we need to find ways to incorporate it into our diets. It plays a huge role in our brain and nervous system. This vitamin also helps our metabolism convert our food into energy!  

  • Vitamin C: Did you know a lemon actually provides over half of what our required daily intake is? It’s amazing that such a little fruit is so powerful and can offer that much immunity. Vitamin C is also associated with improved heart health. 

  • Iron: Lemons carry a small amount which helps in the transfer of oxygen. 

  • Potassium: Also in a small amount, lemons contain potassium, which assists your brain muscles, heart muscles, and aids in cell communication. 

  • Calcium: Helps with your bone health and cells!

Now that you know why lemons are described as an absolute powerhouse fruit, I also want you to understand the role they play in prevention, which is pretty big for such a small addition to your diet. First, the acidity of lemons can help prevent kidney stones. The acidity not only increases urine output, but it also increases PH levels, which creates an environment less suitable for stones. Lemons can also help prevent anemia because they increase your absorption of iron. They’re also full of fiber, which leaves you with that ‘full’ feeling and can assist in controlling weight. Lastly, lemons can help with gut health! They help to regulate your blood sugar, slow down digestion, and can help with fluid retention and chronic bloating. 

With all of these benefits, why wouldn’t you want to incorporate them into your diet? Here are my five favorite (and easiest) ways to consume lemons on a daily basis:

  1. Lemon water. An instant classic for anyone who likes extra flavor added to their water. 

  2. Lemon Juice: You can use lemon juice in any beverage! Try adding it to your favorite shakes and smoothies.

  3. Lemon zest garnish: Add lemon zest on your salad or in any meal as a tasty and appealing garnish. Phytochemicals are a compound found in plants that reduce cholesterol and lowers the risk of cancer. Using the entire lemon offers the phytochemical limonoid, that is found in the zest, into your body along with more vitamins and minerals than if you were to just use the juice. 

  4. Infused Salad Dressing: Make an infused olive oil or your own salad dressing with a kick of flavor! 

  5. Lemon zest in everyday snacks: You can simply incorporate the zest into your butter, hummus or any other healthy condiment you are using. It’s also great in goat cheese and yogurt.

Looking for more lemon recipe inspiration? Click the links below for my personal favorites:

Lemon Olive Oil: Recipe here!

Lemon Dressing: Recipe here!


Lemon Infused Olive Oil


Leftover Quinoa Salad Recipe